Friday, October 1, 2010

Passion to WIN! -- The Passion of the Christ

Friday, October 1, 2010
Read Romans 5:8
By Kevin and Cori Barclift

I remember it quite vividly. I sat there in a movie theater in February of 2004. I had gone to see a movie about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with several friends. I was in the top row of the stadium seats with my coca-cola and popcorn in hand anticipating a movie to help me understand and see what my Savior went through. I had no clue what was about to happen to me. I have no clue what happened to that bag of popcorn, because there was no need for it. I sat there for over 2 hours, speechless, with tears rolling down my cheeks the entire time. After the movie ended, I continued to sit there, still speechless. My brother and I rode to the movie together. We rode the entire way home speechless. I went straight to bed, but could not sleep. I laid there with the images in my head of Christ being beaten, and pieces of his flesh barely hanging on to him by skin. I couldn’t help but lay there and feel so guilty of the sin I had in my life. He did not deserve to go through what He went through. It was of no fault to Him whatsoever. It was my sin that held Him there. It was my sin that caused Him to go through that pain. I was the very reason His flesh was ripped from his body. I did it.

The name of the movie is: “The Passion of the Christ.” So, what is this passion the title describes? What passion would cause Christ to go through what He did? You would have to be passionate about something in order to go to the cross the way Jesus Christ did, right? So, what exactly is this passion the movie speaks about? That passion is me. That passion is you. Christ is passionate about His children. Wow! While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for being passionate about me. Thank you for taking my place on the cross. Lord help me to be just as passionate about you, that I would lay my life down for you. Amen

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