Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't Settle for Less - Let's Give Jesus Our Best!

“I have fond memories of a church that was open seven days a week, simply because people liked to be there. I can still see the cars that lined the street, students that were coming to our theological college, and the constant laughter in the foyer. I remember many visitors recount that when they first approached the building, they had a sense of God’s presence. As they entered, they saw joy and excitement on people’s faces. Often at the close of a service, there would be people in earnest conversation, others weeping, still others praying. Nobody was in a hurry to go home; they would rather linger in the presence of God with their church family. People hesitated to take vacations over the weekend, because they didn’t want to miss what God would do on Sundays as we gathered for worship. And God added regularly those who were being saved.

Sound too good to be true? Sound like something you have longed for? I have known times when this wasn’t true either. But once I tasted what God could do in and through a church, I didn’t want to settle for anything less. I have come to realize that God’s purpose for the church is much greater than many people have experienced, or even knew was possible. God has provided everything we need in Christ. What He has planned for His people is far beyond us; it is infinite in dimension.” (Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God Together)

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